My Guy Is Back

For the past week, I have been "Home Alone".
Since I couldn't get any time off from work, poor DJ was forced (really?) to go on a short "beach" vacation alone, but accompanied by two very close friends. It was the first time that we ever did this. Although at first, the idea of not having my guy around for a week didn't seem like a big problem, I was finding it more and more difficult by day 4. I'm just happy that he got to take a vacation and just go off and totally unwind. He really needed it !

Here are some of the souvenirs he brought back.

This is the scene of the crime.
Beach PC2009
DJ PC2009 JB2 PC2009

JB and LC
JB LC PC2009

JB and Friends
JB PC2009

p.s. I missed my guy a lot last week and am so happy he's back home. hehe.


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