About Zen-gaylife
i'm just a regular guy, gay guy, happily married to a guy, wanting to find a new balance in my life. at 54 (2011), i want to keep things simple....... to lead a simple life and embrace happiness. this blog will focus on my quest and on the elements and inspirations that work for me and usually bring a smile to my face. as you read my blog, look for these "zen" moments and share in my experience. ;-))
browse through the photos and read the stories.
come join me on my journey.
Thanks for dropping by.
We're waiting for your stories and photos.Make it work~~~~He~he~he~
Hey Betty..... thanks for dropping by. I'm working on the next posting that has a photo with wrapped text. Just can't seem to make it work. Please be patient.
Whose dog is that? Did you photoshop it in? haha
Hi Ken,
Need some of your expert gardening advice - I plan to temporarily take off my layer of mulch to add some fertilizer to the soil. What can I do to improve my soil - to add nutrients ? What do I use ? Should I get bags of sheep manure or whatever to mix in with black soil ? Hellllp !
Thanks !
hi "p"
if you only knew how many gardening "no no's" i am responsible for! lol
i think you are on the right track.... i usually work sheep or cow manure into the soil. if i have any dried leaves around, i would crumple them up into small pieces and add them in as well. for plants like rhododendrons and azaleas that prefer an acidic soil, i would also add peat moss.
i hope this was helpful.
happy gardening! ;-))
Hi Ken,
Thanks for the gardening advice - i've seen your garden - ha, if I make the same "no no's" then hopefully my garden will look half as good as yours !
Hi Ken,
I found your posts on the "Spain" layout site (which, fingers crossed, I will upload to my own blog soon) and thought I'd say hi. I love the customization you've done on your site and your outlook on life is really refreshing :)
Take care
Hi Ken,
Thank you for taking the time to stop by feedingandrew. You are in one of the cities that I love the most that I have never been to! I plan to visit soon as one of my best friends is there. Great blog and love the idea of looking for zen in your daily life. If you get a chance, check out my post of Zen and the Art of the White Picket fence. It fits right in with your quest.
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